Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Youth Arts Festival!

I have signed up to teach a basic design course at the Youth Arts Festival in Sidney! It will be from July 25th-29th, 3 hour classes in the afternoon. Supplies are included with the cost. Please visit The Mary Winspear Centre website for for info. I'm really excited to teach young kids who are interested in design, so please sign up!

In other news, I'm about to start working on a wedding dress pattern for a bride who has an Aunt with a dream to make her wedding dress. I was glad to help out with this otherwise odd request. 

As for my dress, I am ready to get fabric, just got to find the time! Ryan and I are in the midst of putting together a little something for the wedding and there has been lots of organizing and putting together costumes and it is going to be so cute! Can't wait to have everyone see it. 

There is also my Halloween costume for this year that I have to get started on! So much to do!


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