Saturday, January 15, 2011

One month from today...

I will be living on Vancouver Island. My fiance and I have decided to pack things up and move away from the  city (for the time being). It will be a much-needed fresh start. I love Vancouver, the fashion, the film industry, the people, the landscape... I have had an amazing time here and I hope to one day come back. What does this mean for Elise Tonn Designs? I think it will be a great opportunity to expand my practices to the Island as well as the mainland with the help of SWFDS the fashion design studio here in Vancouver. I don't mind the commute! 

On another note... I am really excited to start sharing my wedding plans (most importantly the dress)! It is still early, May 26th 2012 seems like a ways away but I have a feeling it will be here before I know it. 


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