Thursday, March 17, 2011

Poll closed!

Thanks to everyone who voted, I appreciate your input! Looks like the new logo is a hit. I will be slowly working it into my branding.
Costumes are going great so far. Today I have to grade the pattern for multiple sizes. It's been awhile since I had to do this (since I usually only do one garment for one size). We'll see how it goes. After that I am doing two costumes, a bee and a mouse, for two four year olds. I may have another project as well. 
I will post some pics of the costumes soon!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Logo?

I've been debating changing my logo, above is what I came up with. I wanted something more related to the name and Lily of the Valley always reminds me of my grandmother (it was one of her favorites). I do like the current one, and changing it would take a lot of adjustments... but I'm a small and new company and am able to get away with it until I find something that sticks. Plus keeping things fresh is always nice. 

I would like to know what you think. Should I keep the current one? or have something new?  

Please VOTE at the top right-hand side, thanks!
Vs. the current: