Friday, December 31, 2010

New website up and running!

Thought I'd get a head start on the New Year and upload my new website. Worked pretty hard on it so I hope everyone likes it. There is going to be some significant changes coming up for Elise Tonn Designs in 2011. I'll give you more details on a later date.

Elise Tonn Designs New Site!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Website

This is how I spend a rainy afternoon... Working on a brand-spanking-new website. This time I am challenging my web design skills instead of using a template. It is looking pretty fantastic, I might say. I have always love art, digital art and web design, it's like second nature to me. I think you all be pleased with what I've done, I sure am. I plan to launch it in the new year, for now, off the make some flash albums!

Happy Holidays everyone! 

Friday, December 17, 2010

My VERY first post!

Hi everyone! New to this Blogger thing, but I'm really excited about it. I want to give my clients an inside look into the life of a busy dressmaker and also have another way for them to reach out, ask questions and so on. I'll be posting about current projects, fashion related items of course but other things as well. I hope you find this blog entertaining and also informative!

Ciao, for now!
